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COMMUNITIES CARING FOR COUNTRY - Pasifika and Climate Justice Community Workshop One 2025

  • 8 Feb 2025
  • 16:30 - 18:30
  • Warnbro Community and Family Centre, 1 Moreton Cres, Warnbro


Registration is closed

Our first workshop is COMMUNITIES CARING FOR COUNTRY. Aboriginal Elders will share yarns about the importance of connecting with country and Aboriginal youth will share their culture through wrist band making for you to make and take home.  

These workshops are open to all CJU members, friends and their families to attend. Light refreshments will also be provided. The venue is child friendly with an outdoor playground for the kids. Disability access friendly at ground level.  Free parking is available at the centre.  

Call: +61406722066

ABN: 23767498078

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We acknowledge that we begin our work as The Climate Justice Union on the Boodja (land) of the Wadjuk people of the Noongar Nation. We honour the Wadjuk people and their kin in other Nations and Country across these lands and waters, who have always cared for this place and all who lived here.

We acknowledge First Nations Elders past and present, and acknowledge that those of us living here, who came from across the seas, live on land that was taken, stolen. We acknowledge the responsibility that comes with this understanding and that we personally and collectively benefit from this theft.

As such, we all have a responsibility to decolonise ourselves, our lives and work, and to heal the harm these oppressive systems have inflicted.

Click here to read our full acknowledgements

We are a community union and do not cover you in your workplace. All Climate Justice Union members are also encouraged to join the relevant industrial union. Click here to find your industrial Union.

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